All the nutrients the unborn child needs are supplied by the mother during pregnancy. The baby will weigh about seven pounds at birth. The baby`s life-support system consisting of the placenta, uterus, membranes, fluid and maternal blood volume also grows during pregnancy, facilitating the growth of the fetus. Your body also gets ready to give birth and nourish the baby through breastfeeding. Your pregnancy may de-plete you of important nutrients if you do not nourish yourself adequately. All these added demands require that you develop a good eating habit.
You need about 300 calories per day more than you did when you were not pregnant. These amounts to a total of about 2.100 to 2.400 calories per day .These additional calories should come from high protein, high calcium and iron rich foods. Three hundred calories is not much actually. It could be obtained from 2 tall glasses of milk or a bowl of hearty soup, a serving of meat or fish. Do not add lots of high calorie non nutritious food such as cakes or dessert.
A good daily pregnancy diet should consist of a variety of food containing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, pro-tein foods (such as meat, fish, nuts, eggs, and legumes), some fat and about two quarts of fluid a day.
To get enough nutrients, pregnant women should take a multivitamin and eat healthy foods from the four basic food groups everyday including:
Fruits and Vegetables - Pregnant women should try to eat 7 or more servings of fruits and vegetables combined (for example: 3 servings of fruit and 4 of vegetables) daily. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Fruits and vegetables also contain vitamin C which will help you and your baby to have healthy gums and other tissues. Vitamin C also helps your body to heal wounds and to absorb iron. Examples of fruits and vegetables with vitamin C include strawberries, melons, lemons, oranges, papaya, tomatoes, peppers, greens, cabbage, and broccoli. Fruits and vegetables also add fiber and minerals to your diet to give you energy. Plus, dark green vegetables have vitamin A, iron, and folate, which are important nutrients during pregnancy.
One Serving Fruit = 1 medium apple, 1 medium banana, 1/2 cup of chopped fruit, 3/4 cup of fruit juice One Serving Vegetable = 1 cup raw leafy vegetables, 1/2 cup of other vegetables (raw or cooked), 3/4 cup vegetable juice.
Whole-grains or Enriched Breads/Cereals - Pregnant women should eat 6 to 9 servings of whole-grain or enriched breads and/or cereals every day.
Whole-grain products and enriched products like bread, rice, pasta, and breakfast cereals contain iron, B vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Folic acid has been shown to help prevent some serious birth defects. Eating breakfast cereals and other enriched grain products that contain folic acid is important before and during pregnancy.
One Serving Cereal/Bread = 1 slice bread, 1/2 cup of cooked cereal, rice, or pasta, 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal
Dairy Products - Pregnant women should try to eat 4 or more servings of low-fat or non-fat milk, yogurt, cheese or other dairy products every day. Dairy products provide the calcium you and your baby need for strong bones and teeth. Dairy products are also great sources of vitamin A and D, protein, and B vitamins. Vitamin A helps growth, fight infection, and vision. Pregnant women need 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium each day. Other sources of calcium include dark green leafy vegetables, dried beans and peas, nuts and seeds, and tofu.
One Serving Dairy = 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1 1/2 oz. natural cheese, 2 oz. processed cheese.
Proteins - Pregnant women and their growing babies need 10 grams of protein more than non-pregnant women. Pregnant women should eat 60 grams of protein every day.
Two or more 2-3 ounce servings of cooked lean meat, fish, or poultry without skin, or two or more 1 ounce servings of cooked meat contain about 60 grams of protein. Eggs, nuts, dried beans, and peas also are good sources of protein.
Protein builds muscle, tissue, enzymes, hormones, and antibodies for you and your baby. Protein-rich foods also have B vitamins and iron important for your blood.
One Serving Protein = 2-3oz. of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish, 1 oz. meat also = 1/2 cup cooked dried beans, 1 egg, 1/2 cup tofu, 1/3 cup nuts, 2 T. peanut butter.
Folic acid: Pregnant women need 400 micrograms (400 mcg) of folic acid every day to help prevent birth defects. Folic acid is a B vitamin that helps prevent serious birth defects of a baby`s brain or spine called neural tube defects. Getting enough folic acid can also help prevent birth defects like cleft lip and congenital heart disease.
An easy way to get enough folic acid is to take a multivitamin every day. Orange juice, spinach and legumes are also good sources of folic acid.
Iron: Pregnant women need twice as much iron - 30 mg per day - than other women. Pregnant women should also eat lots of iron-rich foods. Some good sources of iron include lean red meat, fish, poultry, dried fruits, whole-grain breads, and iron-fortified cereals.
Pregnant women need extra iron for the increased amount of blood in their bodies. Iron helps keep your blood healthy. Plus, your baby will store iron in his body to last through the first few months of life.
Too little iron can lead to a condition called anemia. If you have anemia, you might look pale and feel very tired. If your doctor finds that you have anemia, she will give you a special iron supplements to be taken once or twice a day.
Calcium: Pregnant women aged 19 to 50 years should get 1,000 mg/day of calcium. Younger pregnant women need even more - 1300 mg/day. Low-fat or non-fat milk, yogurt, cheese or other dairy products are great sources of calcium. Eating green leafy vegetables and calcium-fortified foods like orange juice and breakfast cereal can also provide calcium. If your diet is does not provide you with 1,000 mg/day of calcium, talk to your doctor about taking a calcium supplement.
Water: Pregnant women should drink at least six eight-ounce glasses of water per day. Water plays a key role in your diet during pregnancy. It carries the nutrients from the food you eat to your baby. It also helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, and excessive swelling, and urinary tract or bladder infections. Drinking enough water, especially in your last trimester, prevents you from becoming dehydrated. Not getting enough water can lead to premature or early labor.
Reduce Weight by Natural Ways
The chief cause of obesity or overweight is often overeating, irregular eating habits and not following the rules of eating such as improper mixing of food items in one meal.
In ayurveda, Charak Samhita describes eight different types of bodies that are disease prone. Out of these, the obese body is described as the one afflicted with the most diseases and troubles. Obesity is the condition or physical state of the body when excessive deposition of fat takes place in the adipose tissue.
Extra fat puts a strain on the heart, kidneys, liver and the joints such as the hips, knees and ankles and thus, overweight people are susceptible to several diseases like coronary thrombosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver and gall bladder disorders. Chief cause of obesity is overeating, irregular eating habits and not following the rules of eating or mixing non-compatible food items in one meal.
To decrease weight and get rid of obesity three things must be kept in mind:
Diet recommended to lose weight
According to ayurveda home remedies are prepared in the same way and with the same purpose as other ayurvedic medicines. The main aim is to obtain the maximum therapeutic benefit while making it palatable.
Some common methods of preparing home remedies are:
Dr. C.Jeyanthi B.A.M.S.,
In ayurveda, Charak Samhita describes eight different types of bodies that are disease prone. Out of these, the obese body is described as the one afflicted with the most diseases and troubles. Obesity is the condition or physical state of the body when excessive deposition of fat takes place in the adipose tissue.
Extra fat puts a strain on the heart, kidneys, liver and the joints such as the hips, knees and ankles and thus, overweight people are susceptible to several diseases like coronary thrombosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, gout, liver and gall bladder disorders. Chief cause of obesity is overeating, irregular eating habits and not following the rules of eating or mixing non-compatible food items in one meal.
To decrease weight and get rid of obesity three things must be kept in mind:
- Controlling eating habits.
- Regular exercise.
- Avoiding the causes of weight gain
Diet recommended to lose weight
- Early morning
Juice of half a lemon mixed in a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of honey.
- Breakfast
Wheat or Mung bean sprouts and a cup of skimmed milk.
- Midmorning
A glass of orange, pineapple or carrot juice.
- Lunch
- Salad of raw vegetables such as carrot, beet, cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes. Steamed or boiled vegetables
- Whole grain bread or whole wheat chapatis (Indian bread) and a glass of buttermilk.
- Roasted cumin seeds, green coriander leaves, a little salt and some grated ginger mixed in the buttermilk.
- Mid-afternoon
- Coconut water
- Dry fruits
- Lemon tea
- Fresh vegetable soup
- Dinner
- Whole grain bread or chapatis
- Steamed vegetables
- Seasonal fruits except banana and apple.
- Increase the quantity of fruits and vegetables and low calorie foods.
- Avoid intake of too much salt as it may be a factor for increasing body weight.
- Milk products like cheese, butter etc. and non-vegetarian foods should be avoided as they are rich in fat.
- Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. A chutney of green mint with some simple spices can be taken with meals. Mint tea also helps.
- Spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight and can be used in a number of ways.
- Regular intake of carrot juice.
- Avoid rice and potato, which contain a lot of carbohydrates. Among cereals wheat is good.
- Vegetables like bitter gourd (Karela), and bitter variety of drumstick are useful in loosing weight.
- Honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity. It mobilizes the extra deposited fat in the body allowing it to be utilized as energy for normal functions.
Dosage: One should start with small quantity of about 10 grams or a tablespoon, taken with hot water early in the morning. A teaspoonful of fresh lemon juice may also be added. - Fasting on honey and lime- juice is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite. For this, mix one teaspoon of fresh honey with the juice of half a lime in a glass of lukewarm water.
Dosage: Take several times a day at regular intervals. - Raw or cooked cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction.
- Exercise is an important part of any weight reduction plan. It helps to use up calories stored in body as fat.
- Walking is the best exercise to begin with and may be followed by running, swimming or rowing.
- The gum of Commiphora Mukul called 'guggulu' is the drug of choice for the treatment of obesity.
According to ayurveda home remedies are prepared in the same way and with the same purpose as other ayurvedic medicines. The main aim is to obtain the maximum therapeutic benefit while making it palatable.
Some common methods of preparing home remedies are:
- Juice
The juice may be taken from the fresh leaves, flowers or stems of the herb. The part of the herb used should be crushed or ground in a mortar and pestle, to make a paste. This paste should be put in a piece of cloth and squeezed to take out the juice.
Dosage: One to two tablespoons twice a day.
- Powder
Dried herbs are used for powders. The herbs are usually dried in a cool, shady and well-ventilated place, although some herbs are dried in direct sunlight. The herbs are then ground into a fine powder and stored in a dry, airtight bottle. The powder may be taken with water, or if specified, with milk or honey.
Dosage: Half to one teaspoon twice a day
- Decoction
A decoction is prepared by boiling the herb in water (ratio: 1 part herb to 16 parts water). The herbs are broken into pieces and soaked in water overnight. This mixture is then boiled until it reduces to one quarter of the original volume. It is then filtered and stored in a glass bottle.
Dosage: One to two tablespoons twice a day.
- Infusion
Herbs are soaked in water to make an infusion (ratio: 1 part herb to 8 parts water). Hot infusions result from adding herbs to hot water, or gently heating but not boiling the mixture. This is strained and taken internally. Herbal teas are forms of hot infusions. Cold infusions are made from soaking the herb overnight. Honey can be added.
Dosage: half to one cup once or twice day.
- Paste
A paste can be made from either fresh or dried herbs. The flowers, roots, stems, leaves or bark are ground and mixed with water. Pastes are mainly used for external application, in cases of cuts, burns and swellings. The paste should be thick enough to be applied in a layer to the skin.
- Tablets
The herbs should be first dried separately and then mixed together in a powder form, in fixed proportions. Water or herbal juice can be added to this powder to make a paste, from which tablets of a specific size or weight are made. Tablets remain potent longer than juices, powders, pastes or decoctions.
Dosage: 1 or 2 tablets twice a day.
- Medicated ghee and oil
Ghee is cooked with herbal juices, decoctions or pastes. The ghee should be heated with the herbal mixture at a moderate, controlled temperature. High temperatures can easily burn the ghee or oil, destroying its effectiveness. Medicated ghee and oils are either used internally or massaged externally.
Dosage: Half to one tablespoon.
Dr. C.Jeyanthi B.A.M.S.,
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